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UN Supplier Code of Conduct

We follow the UN Supplier Code of Conduct to promise zero tolerance for corrupt practices and fraud. Steering clear of any kind of bribes, broken products and gratuities are important to the Unimed team, as we would never want our partners or our business to suffer the consequences. Also, our Interest Policy requires full disclosure.


Strong ethics and values boost our passion for top quality procurement, which are supported by our Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and company policies. With having Unimed centres across the globe, we must understand and value The Social Value Act. We would never, under any circumstances, become involved with modern-day slavery and child labour. 

UN Global Compact

We have put policies and processes into place to abide by the ten universal principles described in the UN Global Compact, in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

Sustainable Development Goals


Sustainability is within everything we do at Unimed, and we fully support the UN Global Compact Strategy to achieve Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Our procurement services provide a dedicated helping hand to reach these goals and beyond. Read our sustainability blog here.


Unimed’s ethics and integrity are crucial to our business - take a look at them below


Sustainability is essential for protecting our world and the environment around us. We need to make a difference, and that’s why we aim to include best sustainability practices within everyday tasks at Unimed. This begins with making climate-conscious choices and implementing an Energy Saving Programme. Our practices include:


  • Undertaking an energy audit to determine our baseline energy use and outline ways for us to save energy at work

  • Getting the Unimed team engaged in energy-efficient practices

  • Upgrading to a smart thermostat, allowing us to remotely control the room’s temperature

  • Limiting paper use in the office and using digital documents where possible 

  • Regularly turning boilers (every 6 months) to maximise efficiency and investigate ways to recover heat

  • Installing movement-sensitive sensors or timers to ensure lights are only on when needed. Also, using more natural light and switching to LEDs.


We have a blog about our sustainability efforts at Unimed, which you can read here.

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